Doon Today-All About Dehradun

Shri Guru Ram Rai (PG) College


Shri Guru Ram Rai (PG) College

S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College was founded in 1960 by Brahmaleen Mahant Shri Indiresh Charandasji Maharaj to enable the meritorious but poor students of Uttarakhand and its neighbouring states to realise their dreams of pursuing higher education at nominal cost. Starting with only 3 subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) at graduate level, the college has made steady progress over the years. At present,a wide range of subjects is available for study at graduate level. These subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Botany, Geology, Zoology, Economics, Statistics, Defence & Strategic studies, biotechnology, Geography, Hindi, English, History, Sociology and Political Science. | Best College in Dehradun


Run By – Shri Guru Ram Rai Education Mission

Website –
Phone: 0135-2624810, 2624881, Mobile 9719151058
Fax: 0135-2726698, 2624881

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