Doon Today-All About Dehradun

Terms of use

Policy Statement


This policy deals with the provision of information technology resources by Doon Today and the associated responsibility of authorised users when accessing these information technology resources. These resources include, but are not limited to, the Doon Today Web services and software, access to the Internet, electronic mail, telephony and related services.
The policy is based on the following principles, which must be adhered to by all those responsible for the implementation of this policy and to whom this policy applies:
• The information technology resources of Doon Today are provided to support the implementation, development and administrative activities of the Organisation;
• Authorised users are granted access to valuable Organisation resources, sensitive data and to external networks on the basis that their use of IT resources shall be responsible, ethical and lawful at all times;
• Authorised users are required to observe Organisation policy, and Indian or other local laws which may apply;
• Data and information relating to persons and other confidential matters acquired for business purposes shall be protected;
• Organisation Business information shall be protected from unauthorised and/or accidental disclosure; and
• Organisation IT resources must not under any circumstances be used to humiliate, intimidate, offend or vilify others on the basis of their race, gender, or any other attribute prescribed under anti-discrimination legislation.
Broad Overview
1. What Is Provided and Why – The information technology resources of Doon Today are provided to support the implementation, development and administrative activities of the Organisation. These resources include the Doon Today’s computer systems and software, developed or under developing codes access to the Internet, electronic mail, telephony and related services.
2. Access – This policy prescribes the conditions under which access to Doon Today IT resources is granted.
3. Responsible Usage – Staff and other specifically authorised users who are granted access to IT resources are required to utilise IT resources in a responsible, ethical and lawful manner.
4. What is and is Not Acceptable Usage – This policy, to which all staff and other authorised users should adhere, identifies what is acceptable usage including the personal use of IT resources.
5. Breach of Policy – This policy identifies the possible consequences should a breach of the policy occur.
Application All Doon Today staff, honorary appointees, contractors; and guest/visitors of the Organisation; plus any authorised users or organisations accessing Doon Today’s IT resources.
Operative Date Effective immediately
Policy Authorisation Director’s Group
Policy Administrator Director – Client Services, eSolutions
Director, Policy and Consultancy, Human Resources Division
Email and Messaging – Email means the Organisation-provided electronic mail systems and computer accounts. Additional messaging facilities may include but are not limited to calendar and scheduling programs, chat sessions, IRC, newsgroups and electronic conferences.
Information Technology Resources (IT Resources) – covers all IT facilities including all computers, computing codes, and video conferencing tools across the Organisation together with use of all associated networks, internet access, email, hardware, dial-in access, data storage, computer accounts, software (both proprietary and those developed by the Organisation), telephony services and voicemail.
Doon Today Officer/Supervisor – Head of Organisational Unit or Manager or other such staff member who has the authority (or delegated authority) to recommend a staff appointment.
Personal information means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database) that is recorded in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.
Personal Web Page – Personal web pages are those pages produced by authorised users that are not directly related to work responsibilities. They may not include any commercial information, and must not under any circumstances be used for business-related activities.
They cannot be placed on official web-sites. Any web server that hosts official and personal pages must make a clear and unambiguous distinction between the official site and the personal page area.
Tools or codes developed during the course of your job would be the intangible property of the organisation and staff after resignation from the organisation would have to submit to the administration and using after means the breach of policy.
Refer to
Publish – to make information available for access by others via any method or format, including, but not limited to, on a web page, email, or the use of peer-to-peer programs.
Authorised User – any person who has been authorized by the relevant Doon Today Officer/Supervisor to access any Doon Today IT system or IT facility, including but not limited to:
• Staff of Doon Today
• Staff of any entity/company in which Doon Today has an interest
• Staff of any entity/company /organisation with which Doon Today is pursuing a joint venture
• Trainees
• Consultants
• Visitors / Customers
• Honorary appointees
• Collaborative programmers
• Vintage Staff
Your Sincerely,
Rajbeer Singh Kandari
Head- Planning & Strategies
Doon Today Web Services

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